Master in Management control and auditing


National master’s degree pending

Master’s in Law – Economics – Management/Field of Study: Management Control and Organisational Auditing/Specialisation: Information Systems and Management Control

For whom ?

Students with a bachelor’s degree in management, accounting, finance, DCG (Diploma in Accounting and Management), other degrees with skills in management, accounting, finance, or a Master of Business Informatics.

An affinity for information systems is a must.

why choose this master ?

A Master’s program that addresses the digital transformation of accounting professions.

Companies are undergoing transformation, and management control plays a key role in this process.

How? Through the use of business intelligence tools, data collection, and their analysis, companies are supported in their strategic, digital, and environmental management and transformation.

Management controllers, auditors, and financial departments:

  • Utilize information systems for their own needs (financial modules of ERPs, decision support systems, business intelligence tools, consolidation tools).
  • Act as co-pilots and coordinators in the digital and environmental transformation of their companies.

Why choose this master Management control and auditing ?

  • Respond to new management control challenges: mastering accounting and financial techniques and management tools
  • Become a project owner with regard to information systems
  • Support companies through their digital transformation
  • Produce and analyse data for managers
  • Master the intricacies of business intelligence, from data collection to implementation


  • A training program offered by ISEA, School of Expertise and Audit of the Faculty.
  • Dual expertise: Management Control/Organizational Audit and Information Systems.
  • Integration of Information Systems challenges: risk management and IT auditing.
  • Integration of challenges related to the environmental transition of companies.
  • Internship over the 2-year master’s program = 24 months of professional experience.
  • Proficiency in ERP systems: SAP, business intelligence software.
  • A program that is a member of the CGAO Masters Association (in progress).
  • Exemption from 3 units of the DSCG (exams #3, 6, and 7).


The subjects and credits presented in this program are subject to change without compromising the essential content and direction of the training.

Master 1

En alternance de septembre à juin puis en entreprise de juin à mi-septembre au rythme d’une semaine en cours et trois semaines en entreprise.


Système d’informations et entreprise
Tableur et bases de données avancées 1
Comptabilité et analyse financière
Contrôle de gestion 1
Projet professionnel 1
Séminaire professionnel
Business English
Management d’équipe
Système d’information et Gestion de projet
Audit des systèmes d’information 1
Principes de l’audit
Transition digitale
Contrôle de gestion 2
Contrôle de gestion industrie
ERP Sage
Tableur et bases de données avancées 2 : power BI
Gouvernance et contrôle
Gestion des risques et Audit des systèmes d’information
Evaluation professionnelle (évaluation alternance)
Projet professionnel 2
TOTAL 60 crédits ECTS

Master 2

En alternance de septembre à juin puis en entreprise de juin à mi-septembre au rythme d’une semaine en cours et trois semaines en entreprise.

Stratégie des Systèmes d’Information
ERP : gestion de l’intégration des données
Contrôle de gestion environnemental
Consolidation 2
Approches sectorielles du contrôle
Gestion de projet 2
Management d’équipe : communiquer et conduire le changement
Audit and management control
Méthodologie de recherche
Pilotage de performance sociétale, environnementale et éthique
Management de projet et tableaux de bords
Contrôle interne et gestion des risques financiers
Contrôle interne et gestion des risques opérationnels
Data management and analysis
Financial communication
Informatique décisionnelle
Contrôle interne et gestion des risques IT
Intégration des problématiques RSE dans les projets SI
Risques en banque et assurance
Audit organisationnel
Evaluation professionnelle
Séminaire professionnel
Séminaire de recherche (mémoire de recherche)
TOTAL 60 crédits ECTS

And after ?

  • Management-control-oriented professions: management accountant, industrial management accountant, reporting manager, administrative and financial manager, financial analyst, etc.
  • Information-systems-oriented professions: project owner, assistant project owner, project coordinator, decision-making system consultant (Business Intelligence)

By acquiring these two parallel skill sets, graduates can play an important role in a range of organisations.

elena margarint pictogramme
pedagogical coordinator
Elena Margarint