Diplôme national en convention avec l’Université de Lille : Master Droit, Économie, Gestion
Mention Comptabilité-Contrôle-Audit – Spécialité Révision et Certification Comptable


Pour candidater, rendez-vous sur la plateforme Mon Master


For whom ?

Students with a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, auditing, economics or management specialising in accounting, or a bachelor’s degree in accounting and financial law specialising in accounting, or an equivalent degree.

Why choose this master ?

  • Follow a work/study programme in an accounting or auditing firm or in a company
  • Understand complex business situations and formulate strategic analyses and advice
  • Master technical and practical skills
  • Develop organisational and adaptive skills and thus prepare for managerial positions in constantly changing sectors
  • Successfully complete all the steps to move into chartered accountancy or auditing at a firm


  • A program led by ISEA, School of Expertise and Audit of the Faculty.
  • Two years of professional experience through work-study.
  • 80% of the speakers are professionals.
  • Equivalence with DCG (Diplôme de Comptabilité et de Gestion).
  • Exemption from 5 out of 7 units of DSCG (Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et de Gestion).
  • Enhanced preparation for obtaining the last 2 units in Master 2.


The Master CCA grants equivalence to the DCG (Diplôme de Comptabilité et de Gestion) and exempts you from 5 out of 7 units of the DSCG (Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et de Gestion)
DSCG: The last 2 units (UE 1 and 4) are taken in a national examination at the end of Master 2.
They are reinforced in Master 2 to help you prepare for them.
To enhance this preparation, coaching sessions are offered to you from September until the examination.
The Diploma of Chartered Accountant (DEC) is awarded 3 years after the Master’s degree following completion of the internship, the defense of a thesis, and written examinations.


The subjects and credits presented in this program are subject to change without compromising the essential content and directions of the training.

Master 1

Alternance : lundi, mardi, mercredi en entreprise + jeudi, vendredi en cours (septembre à juin).
En entreprise en juillet et août.


SEMESTRE 130 crédits
Normes comptables internationales4
Audit légal et certification des comptes4
Droit du développement de l’entreprise2
Droit des sociétés approfondi2
Droit fiscal3
Finance d’entreprise2
Finance de marchés2
Financement des projets2
Communication for financial professionals2
Difficultés comptables3
SEMESTRE 230 crédits
Droit pénal des affaires3
Droit approfondi des contrats2
Contrôle de gestion3
Fiscalité des TPE, PME2
Gouvernance des SI3
Gestion du projet2
Environnement juridique de l’entreprise2
Gestion de paie2
Finance d’entreprise2
Anglais : Business negotiation2
Évaluation période en entreprise5
Méthodologie du mémoire1

Master 2

Alternance : lundi, mardi, mercredi en entreprise + jeudi, vendredi en cours (septembre à juin).
En entreprise en juillet et août.


SEMESTRE 130 crédits
Évaluation des entreprises3
Fusion et fiscalité des groupes4
Techniques avancées de consolidation3
Contrôle de gestion (contextes particuliers)3
Droit européen et anglo-saxon des affaires2
Management (conduite de changements)2
Anglais : Business negotiation2
International Financial Accounting2
Transmission des entreprises3
Ethique en finance2
Droit du financement de l’entreprise2
SEMESTRE 230 crédits
Audit contractuel et contrôle interne2
Droit de l’entreprise en difficulté2
Séminaire DSCG synthèse juridique (UE1)3
Contrôle de gestion2
Séminaire DSCG synthèse comptable (UE4)4
Audit des SI2
Normes comptables internationales2
Stratégie patrimoniale du particulier2
Évaluation de la période en entreprise4
Synthèse professionnelle1

success rate

100% working immediately after 6 month after this master

The partner companies or organizations that host our students.


In which sector of activity do our graduates work?

  • Chartered Accountancy : 72 %
  • Auditing : 21 %
  • Management Control : 7 %
  • 93% work in firms and 7% in companies
  • 21 % of our graduates who work in a firm are with one of the Big Four

« This course is about more than just passing on information. It offers both hard and soft skills, which are of paramount importance in a business setting. »

« In 2014, I joined ISEA to do my Bachelor’s in Accounting, Finance and Auditing, and then moved on to the Master’s in Chartered Accounting and Auditing, driven by my goal being of becoming a chartered accountant.

Many of ISEA’s strengths lies in the intimate scale of the school, allowing students to form close relationships with teachers and administration staff. The diverse range of subjects offered for master’s degrees also allows us to broaden our perspective on potential professions after graduation.

The work/study programme provides an excellent insight into the world of work, helping students to put the theories discussed in class into practice.

I completed my work/study programme as an administrator and financial manager (real estate) at Décathlon.

Over the course of my studies, my career goals have evolved. Today, I am an ISEA graduate working as an auditor, an area in which I want to pursue a career, at PWC. »

« The main advantage of the Master’s in Chartered Accounting and Auditing lies in the work/study programme. This scheme allows students to dip their toes into the world of work without losing the safety net of their studies. It is a time of change, increased responsibility and growing maturity.
I believe the two years of my master’s degree were the best years of my educational career. Not to mention the many close friends and future colleagues I met along the way!
I am currently on a permanent contract as an accountant at the chartered accountancy firm where I spent my professional training contract. I am also still working towards my DSCG (Higher Diploma in Accounting and Management), which I started preparing for in the 2nd year of my master’s, in order to become a chartered accountant. »

pedagogical coordinator
Inès Maraghni