Diplôme national en convention avec l’Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Licence sciences – technologies – santé / mention informatique


For admission to the first year of undergraduate studies (Licence 1):

  • High school students from a general baccalaureate with the specialization in « Computer Science » (NSI) and « Mathematics » or « Additional Mathematics ».
  • High school students from a general baccalaureate with the specialization in « Mathematics » or « Additional Mathematics ».

The program is open to students who have not taken the « Computer Science » (NSI) specialization. It includes review and support in programming if necessary.

They want to engage in concrete projects but need to acquire and deepen their knowledge in programming, web development, databases, system administration, networks, security, etc.

For admission to the second year of undergraduate studies (Licence 2):

Students who have completed L1 in Computer Science or Engineering Sciences, or hold a BTS SIO (Services Informatiques aux Organisations) or former IRIS (Informatique et Réseaux pour l’Industrie et les Services).

For admission to the third year of undergraduate studies (Licence 3):

Students who have completed L2 in Computer Science or hold a DUT (Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie) in Computer Science.


  • Acquire and consolidate solid and diversified bases in computer science (programming languages, technologies, discovery of trades, specialties, etc.)
  • Make the right choices in accordance with desires and ambitions
  • Prepare well for further studies with a Masters or in Engineering School, in line with professional direction
  • Participate in the AC’LAB adventure and implement concrete projects with support


  • A theoretical education that allows students to develop their analytical skills and logical thinking during lectures, lab sessions, and tutorials.
  • A pragmatic education that emphasizes autonomy and creativity.
  • A project-based approach to education, preparing students better for the business world.
  • Learning by doing during projects and practical work with professionals from the field of computer science.
  • Individual support to help students build their personal projects.
  • Reduced class sizes: groups of 30 students (20 in certain targeted subjects in the first year).
  • Option to pursue the third year of the program in either an alternating work-study format or full-time study.
  • Priority admission to the FGES Master’s in Cybersecurity for students who have achieved good academic results in their undergraduate studies.


71% Bachelor 1
96% Bachelor 2
100% Bachelor 3


The 3rd year of the degree is carried out either in initial training or in a study-work programme (except for the Gaming cours, only in initial training). The student decides on the form of teaching.

In initial training, the student is on the course all year long and performs a minimum 6-week internship.

In a study-work course, the student divides their time throughout the year between course and company.


  • Your studies are financed by your company, you are employed and paid during your course.
  • The digital sciences study-work programme allows training in the different IT professions (developer, web developer, integrator, devops, etc.) and to integrate more easily into the life and culture of the receiving company.
  • The apprenticeship contract allows you to alternate periods in the field and supervised phases with the teaching team in the form of theoretical courses, exercises, projects and practical work preparing for the diploma.
  • This study-work programme also makes it possible to progress more quickly by applying one’s theoretical knowledge to the practice of the profession in a constant and rapid manner.
  • The training programme is designed in a progressive manner to be correlated with the periods in the company and to ensure the practical implementation.
  • The apprenticeship contract gives the student the possibility to face the world of work, before choosing to continue their studies in a Masters or other Institute.
  • This study-work programme allows the student to strengthen their CV: study-work students will already have significant professional experience once they graduate from their BAC+5.


Licence 1


BCC 1 – Répondre à l’évolution constante de la technologieCrédits
Techno Web Dynamic Front4
BCC 2 – Alerter sur les niveaux de risques
Bases de Données 1 (Théorie)2
Représentation de l’information3
BCC 3 – Assurer la maintenance corrective d’une application informatique
Fondamentaux de la programmation6
Systèmes d’exploitation3
Structures de données linéaires4
Formation Humaine2
BCC 4 – Préconiser une solution à un client ou collaborateur
Analyse de base5
Techno Web Front2
Projet Gaming2
Connaissance de l’entreprise2
Formation Humaine2
Algèbre matricielle3
Outils d’analyse3
BCC 5 – Développer une solution informatique
Bases de données 1 (Projet)2
Projet Gaming2
Stage en entreprise0
BCC 6 – Agir éthique et responsable
Philosophie de la technique1
Matières d’ouverture (S1)2
Matières d’ouverture (S2)2
Stage en entreprise0


Licence 2


BCC 1 – Répondre à l’évolution constante de la technologieCrédits
Projet Gaming S1 (parcours Gaming uniquement)2
Projet Gaming S2 (parcours Gaming uniquement)2
BCC 2 – Alerter sur les niveaux de risques
Techno Web Back-End (Théorie)1
Box Certificative1
BCC 3 – Assurer la maintenance corrective d’une application informatique
Bases de données 23
Structures de données avancées5
Techno Web Back-End (Projet)3
Technique de communication1
Algorithmes avancés3
Architecture Système3
BCC 4 – Préconiser une solution à un client ou un collaborateur
Programmation orientée objet5
Gestion de projet agile2
Programmation orientée objet 24
Théorie des langages2
Framework Web3
Projet d’initiative3
BCC 5 – Développer une solution informatique
Rapport de stage + profess.3
Stage en entreprise0
BCC 6 – Agir éthique et responsable
Ethique et Numérique1
Matières d’ouverture 12
Matières d’ouverture 1 (Parcours MO uniquement)2
Matières d’ouverture 22
Matières d’ouverture 2 (Parcours MO uniquement)2

Licence 3



BCC 1 – Répondre à l’évolution constante de la technologieCrédits
IoT – Internet des Objets (Parcours Maker uniquement)2
Recherche Appliquée et Innov2
Framework Web 22
Box Certificative1
BCC 3 – Assurer la maintenance corrective d’une application informatique
Recherche opérationnelle3
Systèmes et réseaux2
Programmation fonctionnelle3
Méthodes numériques et simulation2
Box Certificative1
BCC 4 – Préconiser une solution à un client ou un collaborateur
Données – Modélisation (UML)2
Probabilité – Statistiques3
DataViz (Parcours Data uniquement)2
Sciences des données (Parcours Data uniquement)2
Impression 3D (Parcours Maker uniquement)2
Bases de données 32
Design Pattern (Théorie)1
Cloud computing2
Projet IA (Parcours Data uniquement)4
Box certificative1
BCC 5 – Développer une solution informatique
Conception de logiciels2
Rapport et soutenance de stage3
Gaming (Parcours Gaming uniquement)3
Design Pattern (Projet)2
Fondamentaux du management de projet2
Alternance ou PPP4
Projet Maker (Parcours Maker uniquement)3
Gaming (Parcours Gaming uniquement)3
Box certificative1
BCC 6 – Agir éthique responsable
Approche philosophique de l’IA1
Box certificative1

3 parcours au choix en Licence 3

Une Licence 3 « 2.0 » avec 3 parcours proposés :

  • Parcours Data (8 crédits)

Semestre 5 : DataViz (2 ECTS), Science des données (2 ECTS)

Semestre 6 : Ac’Lab – Projet IA (4 ECTS)

  • Parcours Maker

Pour les passionné(e)s des objets connectés, du « Do It Yourself » avec des Arduino™

Pour imprimer en 3D drones et robots animés par l’intelligence artificielle

Semestre 5 : Maker – Impression 3D (2 ECTS), IoT – Internet des objets (2 ECTS)

Semestre 6 : Ac’Lab – Projet IA (4 ECTS)

  • Parcours Gaming (pas d’alternance possible pour ce parcours)

En partenariat avec Pôle 3D

Semestre 5 : Gaming (2 ECTS), Matière d’ouverture (2 ECTS)

Semestre 6 : Projet Gaming (4 ECTS)

1 Stage chaque année

  • Licence 1 : stage, mission d’exécution de 4 semaines minimum
  • Licence 2 : stage de technicien de 4 semaines minimum
  • Licence 3 : en formation initiale : stage d’orientation professionnelle de 6 semaines minimum / ou en formation en alternance : en contrat de professionnalisation ou en apprentissage tout au long de l’année

Our partners: Pôle 3D and TechShop.

The school PÔLE 3D, member of the Institut Catholique de Lille, offers a 5-year course in 2D/3D animation film and video games.  This educational partnership between the FGES and the school PÔLE 3D allows students to work on concrete projects related to the world of games, throughout their bachelor’s degree course.  During the Gaming project, in the first year, the students make a board game in order to discover game mechanics.  In the second year, they discover the making of 2D video games.  In the third year, they can enrol for the Gaming course offered by Pôle 3D and thus discover video game professions such as: Gameplay developer, Client/Server developer, Tools developer, etc. to then join the school’s masters programme in video games or UX design, Gamification and IOT .

The TechShop is a Makerspace: simultaneously a place, a workshop and a community to carry out projects.  Continuing on from the Gaming project, the students are supported by the TechShop and put themselves in the shoes of a maker to improve their board game and manufacture its components (board, pieces, tokens, etc.).  They are assisted by professionals who train them in the use of the various machines (laser cutting and engraving, printing, etc.)

And after ?


experience sharing

After an STI2D baccalaureate (science and technology of industry and sustainable development), I was looking for digital training and I chose the digital sciences degree from the FGES because I wasn’t yet sure in which IT field I wanted to specialise.  I made the right choice with this course because it allowed me to discover programming languages oriented to the web, algorithms, object oriented, gaming, etc. What also appealed to me was the possibility of doing the 3rd year as a study-work course, which I am currently doing.  After having been hesitant on what I wanted to do during my apprenticeship, I finally chose object-oriented programming rather than the web.  This allows me to use technologies studied in class, such as Java, SQL and JavaScript for business.
After my degree I am considering a master’s degree with focus on the back-end in order to work for a large group

Pedagogical coordinator
Lucien Mousin